Ridiculously, I purchased this shirt dress in the final stages of my pregnancy. I loved the fabric, the dress was on sale, and I had a gift voucher to spend. I was also at the stage of pregnancy where almost nothing I owned fitted and I was reduced to wearing my husband's t shirts. Basically I was not thinking straight and couldn't wait to get 'my body' back.
Once I got back to the stage of being able to wear normal clothes, I pulled this out and discovered it looked absolutely awful on me. It was too big and the style made me look twice my size. Unwearable! Note to self - shirt dresses are not my look.
This refashion was going to be an alteration but it ended up being a bit difficult as the dress was fully lined and made up of two separate pieces sewn together. I settled on this skirt which is pretty cute.
I unpicked the casing around the middle and removed the elastic, cut off the top, took some fullness out of the skirt by taking it in on each side, and made a new casing and inserted the elastic back inside it.
Any ideas on what to do with the top half? :)

Looks fantastic Shaz. An idea for the top half, you could make a button up vest. Love Lilybellexxxx.